What is a Gas Safe Certificate?
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What is a Gas Safety Certificate?

A gas safety record is a document that states your boiler or any gas work has been serviced and should illustrate any safety concerns or any issues that need further maintenance. Gas safety checks are important to make sure all appliances are working correctly and safely. The Gas safety inspection must be conducted by a Gas Safe registered engineer. Without a Gas safety check, you are putting yourself, family and tenants at risk.

Your gas safety certificate should include the following key information:

  • A description of and the location of each appliance or flue checked
  • The name, registration number and signature of the gas safe engineer carrying out the check
  • The date on which the inspection was carried out
  • The address of the property at which the appliance is installed
  • The name and address of the landlord.
  • Any safety-related defect identified and any action taken
  • Any future action that needs to be take

Who needs a Gas Safe Certificate?

Homeowners – A homeowner is not legally required to have a gas safety certificate, however it is highly recommended to have an annual check of your gas appliances. This will help to ensure everything is running efficiently. Most warranties are not valid if you have not had your annual service. 

Landlords – A landlord has a legal obligation to have an annual gas safety check and a record of the certificate as proof. This inspection should be completed on all gas appliances in all of your properties. As a landlord you should provide a copy of the record to your tenants and keep a record for yourself.

By law, a copy of the Landlord Gas Safety Record received after the annual service should be given to current tenants within 28 days of the service. This will also need to be provided to any new tenants at the start of their tenancy.

There are legally no requirements for landlords to keep maintenance records but they will need to prove that the pipework and appliances are regularly maintained and any repairs have been completed. It is the landlord’s responsibility to ensure that all gas appliances are kept in a safe and good working order at all times.

How do I get a Gas Safe Certificate?

You can get a Gas Safe Certificate for your property by booking an appointment with a registered Gas Safe engineer. Your engineer should check the following:

Visually inspect: To begin the annual service, your engineer will visually inspect your boiler. Your engineer will take a look at your boiler and its controls. During this service the engineer will inspect the weak points such as corrosion damage or a gas leak. The engineer will also check the flame of the boiler.

Removal of outside casing: The next step to a service is to check the boiler’s main components to ensure they are operating as they regularly should. This will include checking the heat exchanger, burner, main injector and spark probe. Note: You should never try to open the case of the boiler yourself. It can be dangerous.

Flue and combustion check: Your engineer will conduct this check by ensuring that there are no obstructions in the flue terminals. Your engineer will also double check your flue is fitted safely and correctly. A flue gas analyser will be used to make sure the boiler is burning the correct mixture of gas and air and no dangerous emissions are being discharged.

Gas pressure check: the engineer will check your boiler has the optimum gas pressure so that it heats up the water in the taps and radiators at the correct temperature.

Issuance of report: Once your engineer has thoroughly checked your boiler, they will leave you a report and certificate. This report should include all problems and a guide on how to look after your boiler.

Your engineer should also check fans and other key components are working efficiently, seals are intact, electrodes are in good condition, safety devices are working, condensate trap and pipe is not blocked and water and gas pipework is all good. Your engineer should inform you if your boiler doesn’t meet building and safety legislation and regulations during the service. Make sure your engineer explains any repairs or maintenance work they will need to undertake and ensure all parts come from a reputable manufacturer

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What is the cost of a Gas Safe Certificate?

A gas safety certificate can cost from £30 – £160 depending on how many appliances there are in your property and your engineer. The price is typically higher when there are more items to service and more certificates to fill and provide.

For more information on what is done on a boiler service, please visit our blog post here https://hugboilers.com/what-is-done-on-a-boiler-service/

If you are in need of a registered gas safe engineer please contact us

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